Silvano Cerza picture

Hey, I'm Silvano!

Writing code and other stuff.

About me

Hey! I'm Silvano Cerza, a software engineer from Italy.

This is my personal website where I share posts and thoughts mainly related to software development. Though I touch different topics from time to time.

Atom feeds

The main feed combines blog posts and thoughts, small form posts basically. You can subscribe to that with:

If you just want to follow blog posts, you can subscribe to:

Same for only thoughts:

Mastodon and Bluesky

You can also find me on Mastodon and Bluesky.

About this site

This is built statically with Next.js and hosted on Vercel.

The source code can be found on Github at silvanocerza/personal-site.

The blog sources instead are hosted separately at silvanocerza/blog-sources.